This week, we travel across the pond and into the far-flung future of cult classic UK sci-fi show Blake's 7, where a rag-tag group of former criminals turned rebels tries to take down the evil Federation. In the series two episode "Pressure Point," they return home to Earth to take down the Federaton's computer control system...Control! The plan doesn't go as planned for them or the Federation, and one of our heroes...dies! It's adventure at standard by 10 on this week's Battle of the Network Shows!
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We travel through time and space with the Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker), Sarah, and Harry as they try to stop the genesis of the Daleks at the hands of Davros. He's quite mad, you know? We also do our best to understand a little of the history of the Doctor Who phenomenon.
We put up a poll, the listeners voted, and we've responded with Buck Rogers in the 25th Century "Space Vampire." Things get spooky when Buck, Wilma, and Twiki have to face a space vampire...and his one giant eyebrow! Drinking game: drink every time we use space as an adjective.