For this season's Retro Retro episode, we head back to Gilligan's Island! News comes in on the radio that Mr. Howell has been rescued, which comes as a surprise to the castaways, especially Mr. Howell! The real Howell whips the castaways into a frenzy to get him home to stop the imposter Howell from spending his money and, to a far lesser extent, ruining his reputation. Things get weirder when the imposter washes up on the island.
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Things get rough for Chico and the Man when THE Man tells them Chico can't live in the Man's van. Also, they go to a diner and crack some jokes.
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After four seasons on The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Mary's best pal Rhoda (Valerie Harper) returned to New York City for a visit and ended up staying for her own show, aptly titled Rhoda! At the behest of the man with the golden gut Fred Silverman, the creative team rushed her into marriage with Joe (David Groh), a decision that ultimately led to major creative changes. We delve into that, then look at episode 10 "The Honeymoon," which doesn't turn out exactly how Rhoda and Joe expected it to thanks Rhoda's parents.
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Love is all around as we revisit our episode about the iconic sitcom The Mary Tyler Moore Show. Mary wants a raise. Instead, she has to mastermind WJM's new "fun" news format. Everything should run smoothly as long as no one tells Ted he's the straight man. Oops! Plus...Gilligan's Island?
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This week, we revisit an episode from all the way back in season two. Tickets to the world premiere and after party for Mr. Burt Reynolds' latest movie land the Golden Girls in exactly the wrong place--jail...for prostitution. Will they get out in time to meet Burt and the rest of the Burt Pack? Will Rose ever get over losing Butter Queen? Will Burt lead a game of Win, Lose, or Draw? It all depends on the kindness of Sophia! Uh-oh.
#podcast #tv #retrotv #eighties #sitcom #goldengirls #beaarthur #bettywhite #burtreynolds
To open season 12, we finally turn to the foundation of the Lear-verse, the controversial, groundbreaking, list-making, terlet-flushing all-time great All in the Family. We've got Archie, we've got Edith, we've got Gloria, and, yes, we have Meathead...with a purse! Plus one of our favorite sports as Archie tries out for an "exclusive" bowling team and learns a thing or two about the way of the world.
#podcast #tv #retrotv #seventies #eighties #allinthefamily #normanlear #archiebunker #meathead #sitcom #bowling
We start season six with one of the all-time greats, exploring the Diane years of "Cheers." First, Sam and Diane finally give in to their feelings, only things take a little longer to get going that Sam hoped. Then Diane meddles on behalf of Frasier, getting him invited on a fishing trip that turns into a snipe hunt for the haughty shrink.
This week, we take a look at two forgotten sitcoms, the Mel Brooks Robin Hood spoof “When Things Were Rotten” and early eighties oater “Best of the West.” Along the way, we meet some old friends, encounter another take on Who’s on First, and get into a heated exchange about “Alias.”
After George airs his feelings about mixed marriages, he has to engage in full-on farce to save a business deal. Years later, a near-death experience leads him to open a museum...about himself.
The listeners voted again, and we listened again and discuss workplace sitcom Barney Miller. With half the NYPD out with swine flu, the overworked detectives of the 12th precinct have to contend with no coffee, shots, old people, and a werewolf! Plus, we work Marvel Comics superheroes and movie monsters into the conversation.
This week, we tackle the groundbreaking Norman Lear urban sitcom Good Times! Nothing goes as expected when James finds $27,000 stolen from a grocery store. Plus, we delve into the mysteries of the Norman Lear multiverse.
Love is all around as we discuss iconic sitcom The Mary Tyler Moore Show. Mary wants a raise. Instead, she has to mastermind WJM's new "fun" news format. Everything should run smoothly as long as no one tells Ted he's the straight man. Oops! Plus...Gilligan's Island?
This week, we look at two episodes of beloved kid-com Punky Brewster. First, Henry (George Gaynes) desperately wants to get tickets to the Cubs-Padres playoff game, but even Punky Power might not help him this time. Then, Punky (Soleil Moon Frye) tries to overcome...URBAN FEAR!
Just in time for Major League Baseball opening day, we revisit another What We Want to See segment now that we've seen it. This time, Mike saw an episode of "Ball Four," the baseball sitcom based on Jim Bouton's book of the same name. Will the players really spend "A Quiet Day at the Iroquois Hotel"? Will their antics live up to the real ones Bouton described in his book? Will that one guy ever go to the bathroom? Find out on What We Saw!
Rick and Mike discuss a classic sitcom, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Alex and Louie in a taxi race, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Andy Kaufman doesn't do much in this one, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Nardo might have to date Louie, eww, eww, eww, eww
This week, we tackle not one but two episodes the zaniest of zany comedies Three's Company and try to decide once and for all: Roper or Furley. In "Ground Rules," Jack, Janet, and Chrissy try to establish some rules for alone or alone-with-someone time in the apartment, and Jack has a man-to-man discussion with Mr. Roper about "building shelves." In "Double Trouble," Jack has to convince Furley that he has a macho twin brother named Austin. Wait till Furley tries to throw a party...for both of them!
In 1978, aliens walked among us in the form of Robin Williams in his breakout role as Mork from Ork. In "Mixed Emotions," a little encouragement and a kiss from Mindy (Pam Dawber) release Mork's emotions all at once. They overwhelm in a flurry of comic activity. We discuss this and more, including the complexities of Orkan anatomy, the shape of Jay Thomas' face, and Conrads.
This week, we look at two episodes of classic eighties sitcom Silver Spoons. First, Ricky (Ricky Schroder) struggles to fit in at his new school and deal with a bully named Ox. Ricky's dad Edward (Joel Higgins) doesn't help matters by hiring a bodyguard for Ricky...Mr. T (Mr. T). After a different incident, Ox sues Ricky, and Ricky requests a jury of his peers--kids. Plus, the BOTNS return of Erin Gray and the BOTNS debut of Leonard Lightfoot!
Tickets to the world premiere and after party for Mr. Burt Reynolds' latest movie land the Golden Girls in exactly the wrong place--jail...for prostitution. Will they get out in time to meet Burt and the rest of the Burt Pack? Will Rose ever get over losing Butter Queen? Will Burt lead a game of Win, Lose, or Draw? It all depends on the kindness of Sophia! Uh-oh.
Season two begins with a look at a special two-part Diff'rent Strokes. The time has arrived for Mr. Drummond to officially adopt Arnold and Willis, but a con man played by the great Whitman Mayo (Sanford and Son's Grady) has different ideas. What will happen, how does Mrs. Garrett feel about all of this, and--more importantly--what's the bathroom situation in the Drummond household?!